Irish Heritage Trust wins a prestigious EU prize

08 Jun 2015
  • News

Elga Ryan

Irish Heritage Trust wins a prestigious EU prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Award


The focus of this award is on the Victorian Frameyard at Fota House, Arboretum & Gardens. It is a huge honour to receive this recognition for the many years of effort and enthusiasm from the Irish Heritage Trust Team, volunteers and staff alike,  who breathe new life into this very unique property and it’s gardens every day.

The Irish Heritage Trust acquired the Fota estate in 2008, and it set about planning a schedule of restoration and conservation for the house and Frameyard. The Frameyard project was completed in 2011 and has been succeeded by a programme of training and access for all staff and a large and growing team of volunteers. The Frameyard has once again become an engine of the estate, where teams of volunteers work with staff and international experts to cultivate plants, flowers, fruit and vegetables for use on site and for sale to the public. The profits from these sales are invested directly back into the Frameyard for its expansion and towards the longer-term goals of other garden and House restoration projects.

We would like to take this opportunity to thanks sincerely  our the whole team and everyone who supports Fota House by visiting us and enjoying such a special place.

Irish heritage trust

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