Submit an Event

Ring of Cork’s event listings are hand-picked by our staff.  If you believe your event might be of interest to our website’s visitors and benefit the Ring of Cork’s tourism efforts, fill out the form below to send it to us. Please review all pertinent event information before submitting for accuracy. For inclusion in our online Events & Festivals calendar, please provide as much notice as possible.

Listings on Ring of Cork’s Events & Festivals are subject to space restrictions, and unfortunately we can’t include every submission. But please know we are doing our best to choose events of interest to our website’s visitors, and we welcome your suggestions.

Date and Time


It appears next to the event time on the Single Event Page. You can enter notes such as the timezone name in this field.


Custom Days Repeating

Add certain days to event occurrences. If you have a single day event, start and end dates should be the same, If you have a multiple day event, the start and end dates must match the initial date. Read More

:label: x
  • First
    • Sun Sun.1-
    • Mon Mon.1-
    • Tue Tue.1-
    • Wed Wed.1-
    • Thu Thu.1-
    • Fri Fri.1-
    • Sat Sat.1-
  • Second
    • Sun Sun.2-
    • Mon Mon.2-
    • Tue Tue.2-
    • Wed Wed.2-
    • Thu Thu.2-
    • Fri Fri.2-
    • Sat Sat.2-
  • Third
    • Sun Sun.3-
    • Mon Mon.3-
    • Tue Tue.3-
    • Wed Wed.3-
    • Thu Thu.3-
    • Fri Fri.3-
    • Sat Sat.3-
  • Fourth
    • Sun Sun.4-
    • Mon Mon.4-
    • Tue Tue.4-
    • Wed Wed.4-
    • Thu Thu.4-
    • Fri Fri.4-
    • Sat Sat.4-
  • Last
    • Sun Sun.l-
    • Mon Mon.l-
    • Tue Tue.l-
    • Wed Wed.l-
    • Thu Thu.l-
    • Fri Fri.l-
    • Sat Sat.l-
Occurrences times

The event will finish after certain repeats. For example if you set it to 10, the event will finish after 10 repeats.Read More


Event Data

Exceptional Days (Exclude Dates)

Exclude certain days

Exclude certain days from event occurrence dates. Please note that you can exclude only single day occurrences and you cannot exclude one day from multiple day occurrences. Read More

:val: x

Event Main Location


Choose one of saved locations or insert a new one.Read More

eg. City Hall

eg. City hall, Manhattan, New York


Latitude and Longitude are parameters that represent the coordinates in the geographic coordinate system. You can find your venue's Latitude and Longitude measurments via the link below. Get Latitude and Longitude

Remove image

Other Locations

You can select extra locations in addition to main location if you like.

Event Main Organiser


Choose one of the saved organizers or insert a new one.Read More

eg. John Smith

eg. +1 (234) 5678



eg. Website name or any text

Remove image

Other Organisers

You can select extra organizers in addition to main organizer if you like.

SEO Schema

Following statuses are for informing search engines (Google, bing, etc) about your events so they can manage your events better. Therefore you can use these statuses to be more Search Engine Friendly.

For active events!

If you postponed an event then you can use this status!

If you cancelled an event then you should select this status!

For the events that moved online!

Note to reviewer

Event Cost



  • What would you like to do?

    Listing type
    • All
    • Adult Outdoor Gym (1)
    • Art Craft and Design (2)
    • Beaches (12)
    • Dog Friendly (4)
    • Family Fun (19)
    • Fishing and Angling (5)
    • Gardens (2)
    • Heritage (23)
    • Indoor Activities (15)
    • Learn English (1)
    • Live Music and Entertainment (3)
    • Monument (2)
    • Outdoor (15)
    • Outdoor Activities (30)
    • Playgrounds (2)
    • Shopping (1)
    • Sports (2)
    • Things to Do (3)
    • Walks and Trails (18)
    • Wellness (4)
  • Filter by

    a - z
    • All
    • B (12)
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    • R (5)
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    • W (1)
    • Y (4)