Free Parking in Cobh for Christmas

21 Nov 2012
  • News

Elga Ryan


Cobh Town Council, at its November monthly meeting, has agreed that the Cobh (Traffic & Parking) Bye Laws, 2012 will not be enforced for the month of December, 2012. This will allow residents and shoppers in Cobh to park free of charge in the town centre for up to 3 hours each day. Confirming the decision, Mayor Sinead Sheppard said “Cobh Town Council is happy to play its part in encouraging the people of Cobh to shop local for Christmas and it is hoped that this initiative, along with the Cobh & Harbour Chamber “Shop Local” campaign will give a boost to the business in the town. I am pleased to announce that this initiative will come into effect on Saturday 1st December, on the day that Cobh turns on the Christmas lights”

The existing time limits in force in the town centre will continue to apply and will be enforced by the Council. In addition, the Council will continue to penalise illegal parking (e.g. parking on double yellow lines, loading bays or casual trading bays)

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