Fáilte Ireland Workshop: Selling to the US – Market Insights and Lead Generation

24 Apr 2019
  • Ring of Cork Industry News

Ring of Cork

Details regarding Fáilte Ireland’s upcoming workshop ‘Selling to the US: ‘Market Insights and Lead Generation.’ This workshop will be very relevant to many of our Ring Of Cork Members. Early booking with Fáilte Ireland is essential, see below.

This workshop will take place as follows

Venue: River Lee Hotel, Cork  T12 X2AH

Date: Thursday, 16 May 2019

Registration: Registration begins at 09:30

Time: Workshops runs from 10:00 – 16:00

Cost: This support is fully subsidised by Fáilte Ireland.

The closing date for registering for this workshop is

Thursday, May 9 2019

This workshop will focus on the US market and include:

• Market insights in the US market including key customer types, their interest in Ireland, and key messages for engagement
• Lead generation i.e. devising a channel management strategy (specific to the US market).

The content has been developed following the latest insights gained from a number of sources including Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland market and consumer research, and insights and feedback from buyers and OTAs.

Why attend?
You will learn to grow the US market and increase profits for your business. The emphasis is on the practical application of knowledge to benefit you and your business.

Workshop Content:
• Market insights in the US market including key customer types, their interest in Ireland, and key messages for engagement
• The importance of the US market and the role it plays in the overall segmentation strategy
• How to nurture business from US
• Lead generation i.e. devising a US channel management strategy that is right for your business:
• National Tourism Agencies and the in-market US opportunities of each
• In Ireland and in market US trade events
• Generating business through Irish tour operators and working out who is a good match for your business
• Generating US business via OTAs (B2C and B2B)
• Partnering with others (e.g. attractions and activities) to generate business from OTAs
• Getting the most out of leads via face to face meetings and social selling
• Trade opportunities (tour operator and OTA) specific to US
• Direct consumer opportunities in the US market (e.g. in market digital and/or publicity bundles)

Places are limited – book now!

Fáilte Ireland: T: 1800 24 24 73 E: customersupport@failteireland.ie

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