The Crash of Irish Identity – a Play by Magazine

16 October

‘Magazine’ production is coming to The Mall Arts Centre, Youghal on Saturday 15th October 2011 and promises to be a night of pure entertainment. The storyline of this production is a very topical one – and is something that we can all identify with at some point in our life. Cork County Audiences will be the first to preview this exciting new piece from emerging playwright Jennifer Rogers.

When Katie runs away from the death of her best friend, she ends up down an alleyway in-front of a billboard of herself from 5 years before. Katie literally crashes into herself – from here the story unfolds. Rogers takes us right into the moments leading up to the crash and uses it as a metaphor for the way Irish Identity has crashed as a result of the economic down turn.

For Rogers the play centres on the pervasive nature of the fashion industry and the pressure that was (and still very much is) on women to conform to the ideal image.
‘Headlines in Magazines are like statements of fact and often they have a militant tone to them; ‘Battle the Bulge’ ‘Combat Cellulite’, it’s almost as if we are to wage war on ourselves’.

Magazine’ is about Katie’s feelings of emptiness that never leave, regardless of how many transformations she buys into. It is about the pressure she feels to conform to the ideal image, to be something she is not and holding tight to what other people think of her.

It’s about how self-belief and individual identity become and how consumerism leaves behind the toxic haze of depression and self-destruction.

Told in a funny and heart moving way, ‘Magazine’ reminds us to accept ourselves for what we are and embrace the ‘supposed’ imperfections that make us perfectly unique.

Last year, ‘Lipstick’ another of Roundhouse Production was a huge hit with the audiences of Youghal – this year promises to be no different.

The production takes place on Saturday 15th October at 8pm in the Mall Arts Centre in Youghal. Please contact Joyce on 083-3606507 to reserve tickets – alternatively tickets can be purchased in advance of the night from Youghal Tourist Office or on the door on the night of the show. Ticket prices are 15 euro for adults and 10 euro concessions.

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