Tourism Ireland: Exceptional +12% growth from overseas for Jan-Sept 2015

03 Nov 2015
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Elga Ryan



We’re on track for a record year, as Tourism Ireland continues to roll out its extensive promotional programme around the world. Today’s figures from the CSO (Central Statistics Office) indicate that this was the best ever January to September period for overseas visitors to Ireland, with almost 6.65 million arrivals recorded. Overseas visitor numbers have increased by +12% over the first nine months of 2014 – an additional 737,600 visitors. This is good news indeed, with the increase in visitor numbers from overseas helping to boost economic recovery around the country.

Niall Gibbons, CEO of Tourism Ireland, said: “Today’s figures indicate that we are heading for a record year for Irish tourism in 2015, with almost 6.65 million people arriving during the January to September period – an increase of +12%, or an additional 737,600 overseas visitors, when compared to 2014. I am delighted to see that growth has been recorded from all of our markets around the world, with record numbers coming here from North America (almost +14%), Mainland Europe (almost +14%) and long-haul markets (+11%). I also welcome the strong increase in British visitors (+11%), our largest market for overseas tourism.”

  • Overseas visitor numbers are up +12% between January and September 2015 – 737,600 additional visitors.
  • Great Britain: Almost 2.7 million arrivals were recorded from GB, our largest market, representing growth of +11%, about 266,700 extra British visitors compared with the first nine months of 2014.
  • North America: visitor numbers from the United States and Canada are up almost +14%, about 144,800 extra American and Canadian visitors. Ireland now welcomes 10% of all American visitors to Europe – particularly noteworthy given the intense competition from other destinations.
  • Mainland Europe: it’s been another stellar performance from Mainland Europe, with almost 2.4 million visitors (up almost +14% or 284,700 extra arrivals) – with markets like Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Benelux and the Nordic countries all recording really good growth.
  • Australia and Developing Markets (ADM): it’s also been another record performance for arrivals from Australia and developing markets – up +11%, or 41,400 additional visitors.

Niall Gibbons continued: “This was a strong performance and reflects the sentiment we are hearing from our tourism industry partners overseas, including tour operators and carriers, as well as tourism businesses here at home. We are determined to ensure that tourism growth continues. Upcoming promotions, including a significant presence – with about 70 Irish tourism partners – at World Travel Market in London next week will help to keep this momentum going and deliver further success in 2016 and beyond.” 


Click here to see highlights of our autumn campaign around the world.


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